Homer’s Odyssey describes, among many other adventures, the plight of Odysseus’s men on the Island of the Lotus-eaters, on their return voyage to Ithaca from Troy. Eating the native lotus and inadvertently succumbing to its narcotic properties, the

Homer’s Odyssey describes, among many other adventures, the plight of Odysseus’s men on the Island of the Lotus-eaters, on their return voyage to Ithaca from Troy. Eating the native lotus and inadvertently succumbing to its narcotic properties, the sea-faring soldiers become waylaid, forgetful, and immobilized. Over a thousand years later, in 1832, this same legend was retold by Alfred Lord Tennyson in his poem, The Lotos-Eaters.  Tennyson’s visual description of the isle and its inhabitants, in particular, informed these collaged drawings of the same subject. The pieces are about a generalized complacency, a nostalgic, weary disengagement; a distracted ‘giving up’ on cultural, political and even personal levels- issues as relevant today as they were in ancient Greece or England in the 'Age of Enlightenment.'

Island of the Lotus-Eaters: Perpetual Afternoon II, Colored pencil and ink on vellum and paper, approx. 8" x 10," 2006.


                     Island of the Lotus-Eaters: The Saint Comes at Dusk II,  Colored pencil and ink on vellum and paper, approx. 8" x 10," 2006.    







Island of the Lotus-Eaters: The Saint Comes at Dusk II, Colored pencil and ink on vellum and paper, approx. 8" x 10," 2006.


Yellow Island.jpg
                     The Stoicist (Odysseus) , staples and pencil on paper and archival tape, approx. 12" x 8," 2006.







The Stoicist (Odysseus), staples and pencil on paper and archival tape, approx. 12" x 8," 2006.

                     The Stoicist (Odysseus)- Reverse Side , staples and pencil on paper and archival tape, approx. 12" x 8," 2006.                         







The Stoicist (Odysseus)- Reverse Side, staples and pencil on paper and archival tape, approx. 12" x 8," 2006.









Green Island.jpg